Monday, June 25, 2007

Workout 6/25

Well, it was back to the grind today in a few ways. We're back from vacation, so the beach and pool fun are over. Not totally, I suppose we could go to the Chicago beaches, but they're not as fun. Back from vacation also meant back to work for me. Summer school started today, so I met my new kiddies for the next seven weeks. I know about half of them, so this shouldn't be too bad. It's just going to be HOT! 100 year old buildings really know how to retain heat. Last but certainly not least was back to working out regularly. CrossFit greeted me with a sinister smile today as I couldn't even do my last set of push-ups. I mean really, push-ups!?! I thought they could be so easy. Not today though!

Run: 3.2 miles (28.05, 8:46 pace)

CrossFit: 15-12-9 reps of:
Handstand Push-ups
Bar Dips
(Did everything except last rep set of regular push-ups; could only squeeze out one measly push-up)

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