Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Workout 2/13: "Nate"

From the looks of things, this is going to be "Heroes" Week on CrossFit. CrossFit often honors fallen soldiers and police officers by creating a workout that reflects their character in some way. The past two postings have been such postings, so I will be working on these new workouts with some grief and sadness. However, my grief and sadness is focused on more than these fallen heroes. Not many people today pay attention to others who are losing their lives due to their beliefs and actions. Everyday Christians are being martyred around the world for their attempts to spread the Gospel. And so when there are these hero workouts, I like to find Heroes for the Word that reflect the similar dedication and endurance. Many of these stories can be found on this blog, Christian Persecution Blog. So today my thoughts and prayers are for Pastor Sajid William.

CrossFit: "Nate"
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes of:
2 Muscle-ups (Subbed 6 Pull-ups and 6 Dips)
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 55# Dumbbell Swings
(6 Rounds + 6 Pull-ups + 1 Dip)


Gabrielle said...

I agree, so often we go about our daily lives..."thinking" we have problems and absorbed in what issue might be going on at the time. We forget about what others may be going thru at the time ~ My son will be deploying in June...I am so incredibly proud of him.

Gabrielle said...

Oh....since I'm nowhere near the shape I was in at the time of the competition...
Do you have any tips for this "old" mom?