Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Workout 11/12

Yes, my muscles are sore. Yes, I am tired out. Yes, I am going to workout! Does that sound crazy? To some people, yes. To me, no. Sore is far different than pain. Sore just tells me that my body is trying to work through its weaknesses. I find that I experience this soreness in many different areas of my life. I may be "sore" from work when I try to become a better, more organized teacher. I may be "sore" when I try to have a disciplined walk with Jesus Christ. My stomach may be "sore" when trying to change some bad eating habits (sometimes my brain is sore through this process too). So when my muscles are sore from working out or training, I just realize it is part of the process. Now if I were in non-functional pain...that's a whole different story.

CrossFit Workout:
CF Warm-Up x 2
As many rounds in 20 minutes or:
3 Assisted Handstand Push-ups
6 Assisted Pull-ups
9 Walking Lunge Steps
(I completed 10 rounds...I was rushing that last round to fit it in...whoa!)

*One example of an assisted handstand push-up courtesy of CrossFit London

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