So, I found this wonderful WOD on
CrossFit Pierce County's website. I figured since my co-worker's name is
Tanya, so we'd do her namesake. It's was a arm/shoulder/back intensive workout, so we had rubber arms for the first few periods of the day. I think I'm done working my arms for the week, so I am ready to do more running-based workouts. Good thing tomorrow is a Track & Field Clinic where we have been told to come prepared to be active. Maybe my arms will thank me for a day of rest. Too bad Coach Gio has warned me that Saturday's workout is going to be a doozy.
CrossFit: Modified Tanya
15-12-9 Rep Sets of:
55# Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Ring Dips
55# Push Press
*So, ring dips are arms were shaking all over the place. So after trying ring dips each round and pounding out as many as I could, I swtiched over to Bar Dips. I could have up-ed the weight, but there's always next time.
I love the shaky arms! Means you are REALLY using those muscles and that you are going to feel it the next day. :) Hope you are having a great week. Oh yeah - thanks for the encouragement to be creative! That's why I love Montessori education!
Good fun!
I am using a piece of rope over a door gym to do body rows. The free motion (like rings) seems to make the work less painful on my elbows.
Hooray Tanya! The workout, not me!
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