Monday, November 28, 2011

Workout 11/28/11: Deadlift + Run

This is the FINAL week of my 12-week Beginner's CrossFit Workouts. I am excited to move into the next phase of strength training using the 603 PTP. One of my favorite things about the CrossFit community is the openness to share programs that work for many different types of athletes (CrossFit Endurance, CrossFit Football, PTP programs, etc). This next phase will begin with a CrossFit Total calculation. I will then set goals from there. Let's see how consistent I can be. My ultimate goal is to finish what I start in the intended time set to finish it.

Today's Workout:
Warm-up: 1-Mile Run
Workout: 145# Deadlift x 12 + Run (x3)
Cool-down: Indoor Around the School

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