Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Workout 11/21

Yay! Vacation starts soon! It's going to be a light day with my students today, and then we are going to hit the road to Michigan. What a lovely trip it will be when it starts to snow (notice the sarcasm)! I just hope people remember what it's like travelling in snow so that the roads stay safe. In preparation for Thanksgiving, I set out to do the "Filthy Fifty" this morning. See how I did below. Most Thanksgiving mornings start out with a 5K race, but since we are going to be somewhere different, I am taking my family out on a nice little run together tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see the kids all bundled up. Evie has been begging to wear her boots, so if there's snow in the morning, she'll finally get her chance. Oh, what fun that will be! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

CrossFit: "The Ilthy Fifty" a.k.a. The Not-quite-complete Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch step
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Dumbbell swings, 30#
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows (improving)
50 Push presses, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Thrusters, 15# Dumbbells in each hand
50 Tuck Jumps
30 Burpees (supposed to be 50)
(Time: 50.21)
*I walked away from this twice while doing the Burpees. I was going to stop short, but I kept going back telling myself, "You HAVE to complete this since tomorrow is Thanksgiving...EARN that yummy stuff!" Well, I didn't quite complete it, but I am happy with what I did. My body is trashed! I figured going at it for 50 minutes made up for shorting the Burpees by 20. On a happier note, my Knees-to-Elbows are totally improving. My knees don't touch my elbows yet, but my knees are getting higher and turning in toward my elbows. SO EXCITING! This shows me what hard work can actually do and how it pays off eventually. That motto says it all! Photo courtesy of CrossFit Eastside.


Anonymous said...

Great job - under an hour! You deserve a pumpkin pie - maybe two! I hope you have a safe trip!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Gio said...

Save some of that pie for after the Power of 10!!! You're gonna need that first pie for the energy and then the second to recover ! :)

Caitlin said...

thanks for the comments...i am in my first year of teaching but i definitely love it. Way to go on the filthy fifty-- we did it at CrossFit-St. Louis last weekend. It was a looonngg one! Knees to Elbows just about did me in! Have a great thanksgiving!