Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Workout 12/21/2011: 603PTP Day17

"It's the END OF THE WORLD!!!" (one year from today). Hmmm...something makes me think we'll all be laughing at this theory on December 22nd, 2012. But it begs the question, what will happen to you if the world does come to a screeching halt? I know where I stand on the issue.

As for this workout today, I thought it would take me until the end of the world to finish it. And since I had to modify some things, if I had done the workout strictly, it probably would have taken me that long. Since I am still working on strength, I had to modify Knees-to-Elbows and Muscle-ups. Melissa from Whole9 might not approve, but I did what I had to do to finish all 7 rounds of the Cash-out.

Workout: 603PTP Day17

Buy-in: Dislocates and Rotational Dislocates (Skipped Skin-the-Cats 'cause I'm just not there yet and unsure how to modify that one).

Deadlift: 5 @ 200# + 5 @ 180#

Shoulder Press: 5 @ 105# + 5 @ 95#

Cash-out: 7 Rounds for Time of 21 Squats + 7 "Jumping" Knees-to-Elbows + 9 Modified Pull-ups + 9 Assisted Dips (*29:40)

This sort of a workout reminds me of all the amazing things that some can do and the amazing things I'll be able to do with continued practice and work.*Yep, not there yet. Photo courtesy of JAMESHANFIT

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Workout 12/20/2011: 603PTP Day16

Quick and Dirty...that's how this workout went. I produced so much sweat on this workout that students at my school asked me, "Did you just finish swimming?" and "We have a pool here?" It was quite funny and made me feel like I put in work even though the entire workout from Buy-in to Cash-out took me about 30 minutes.
So here it is...

Buy-in: 30 Box Jumps + 30 Pistols (15L/15R) *Box Jumps were really Bench Jumps, and Pistols was a interesting move to work on. I look forward to working on them again.

603WOD: AMRAP in 10:00 of "Bear Complex" (follow the link for a tutorial) *29 Rounds in 10:00. I used 65#

Cash-out: Hip flexibility work

Yep, this 603PTP is still very fun for me. Let's keep it going!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Workout 12/19/2011: 603PTP Day15

These Christmas treats are really treating me to a wider waistline. So I'm doing one thing to benefit me, but I am doing another to my detriment. Perhaps one day I will get my act together and to it all right at the same time. I've been looking into the Whole9's Whole30 Challenge, but all I do when I look at it is create excuses. "It's hard to do with children in the house." "It's expensive to buy all that good stuff." "I wish I lived on the Yegerlehner farm in Indiana." One day I will stop these excuses and get it together. But for now, here's the workout...

Workout: 603PTP Day15

Buy-in: 3 easy rounds of "Cindy": 5 modified pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats

Deadlift: 5 x 200#, 5 x 180# (Yes, I finally figured out that I was messing myself up by doing 60% of 1RM, then 90% of 1RM. No wonder I was sore beyond belief)

Shoulder Press: 5 x 105#, 5 x 95# (Time to drop down reps; those last 5 were not completely pretty)

Cash-out: 3 Rounds of: Up-Down-Around School + 21 DB Swings @ 35# + 12 modified pull-ups (Time: 12:50 Sweat!)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Skip 1, Rest 1

603PTP Day13 = Skipped

603PTP Day14 = Rest I doing myself a disservice by skipping Day13? It's such an unlucky number.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Workout 12/17/2011: 603PTP Day12

Workout: 603PTP Day12

Buy-in: Dynamic Warm-ups (50 feet back & forth for each)

Deadlifts: 5 @ 195#, 5 @ 175# (Yes, it finally clicked that I was doing them wrong; correct movement, wrong weight progression)

Shoulder Press: 5 @ 100#, 5 @ 95#

Cash-out: Run 400m, 4 Rounds of 100m single 35# Dumbbell Farmer's Walk + 20 one-hand DB Swings, Run 400m (*Oops, I cheated. The "rules" say "no hand switches." I methodically switched hands within the rounds. Good thing I am self-coached right now because I would have received the heavy hammer of thrusters. Perhaps I should practice thrusters anyway. Wait! What? I must be crazy!)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Workout 12/16/2011: 603PTP Day10

Workout: 603PTP Day10

Buy-in: Dislocates/Rotational Dislocates + Practice Handstand Holds with Forward Rolls (Fun, made me feel like a kid)

Deadlift: 5 x 185#; 3 x 275#

Shoulder Press: 5 x 80#; 3 x 115#

Cash-out: Power Cleans 3-3-3 + Front Squats 5-5-5 (Power Cleans 95#, 105#, 115#; Front Squats 95#, 115#, 135#)*Photo courtesy of P3 CrossFit

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Workout 12/15/2011: 603PTP Day9

Workout: 603PTP Day9

Buy-in: Overhead Squat Warm-up + Overhead Squat 3 x 3 (45#, 55#, 60#)

Deadlift: 5 x 185#; 3 x 275#

Shoulder Press: 5 x 80#; 3 x 115#

Cash-out: Max Effort 400m Run (1:34.00)

*I loved running the mas effort 400m Run. I love running, so pushing those limits and measuring what you enjoy made it worth it. Improving these times is what matters to me next time I run a 5k (January 1st perhaps @ the Sergeant Preston, Yukon King Run in Muskegon, MI)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Workout 12/12/2011: 603PTP Day8

Eight days in...

I feel stronger...

Let's go get 'em!

Workout: 603PTP Day8
Buy-in: Dislocates, Rotational Dislocates, 20 Squats, 20 Push-ups, 20 Sit-ups

Deadlift: 5 x 180#, 5 x 270# (Did all 5 and feeling the muscles do their's amazing!)

Press: 5 x 75#, 5 x 110# (5th rep was ugly, so as I go up in weight, I'll start to go anywhere between 3-5 reps. I have to remember to keep them pretty.)

Cash-out: 3 x 5Left/5Rigth Suitcase Deadlifts (65#, 75#, 75#)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Workout 12/10/2011: 603PTP Day6

Workout: 603PTP Day6
Buy-in: Jump rope for 5:00

Workout: 5 Rounds Timed of 30 squats + 20 35#DB swings + 10 assisted pull-ups (*17:06; Hmmm...not sure how that compares to others, but I slowed down pretty quickly after Round 1. Looks like I have work to do.)

Cash out: Jump around a bunch. (*I wimped out on this one very quickly. In retrospect, I'm actually glad I did. My calves have really tightened up.)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Workout 12/9/2011: 603PTP Day5

So I went from Day3 of the program to Day5 of the program in one day. Some of you may be wondering what happened to Day4. Day4 was scheduled as a rest day. And I did take a rest day. Day3's workout happened at 5:00AM on Thursday. Day5's workout happened at 3:15PM on Friday. So more than 34 hours passed between these two workouts. Therefore, I got a day's rest between workouts. Smart, huh? Anyway, Day5's workout went like this...

Workout: 603PTP Day 5

Buy-in: Burgener warm-up + dislocates and rotational dislocates + 2 "cartwheels" each side. (*10 cartwheels were prescribed for each side...seeing as I have never been able to do cartwheels well, I tried. Scary!)

Deadlift: 5 x 175#; 5 x 265# (Success!)

Shoulder Press: 5 x 70#; 5 x 105# (Progress!)

Run: Warm-up run to Pasteur Park + 800m (400m Splits...1:51.00 + 1:46.99 = 3:37.99!)

Cash-out: Broad Jump 150 "feet" (25 Jumps!)

*I have to admit that this was an awkwardly fun workout with many things to be proud of. I am excited to measure these areas again in future workouts.*I'm reading a book titled The Berlin Boxing Club that features the character Max Schmeling who was a real boxer portrayed in this painting by George Grosz. It's fun to see where some authors obtain their inspirations. I'm looking forward to one day writing something creative. Needless to say, I really enjoy this piece of art.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Workout 12/8/2011: 603PTP Day3

Oh boy, I have the hands of a softy. I remember when doing CrossFit that I was so proud of my blisters and callouses. I guess going off CrossFit has made me a softy again, so it's time to regain the tough hands. I'm still dealing with the adjustment and the soreness. But I am seeing a turn for the better in the near future. As with anything new, it takes time for the body to change. So here I am at the crossroads. Soon things will be turning toward productive work with limited soreness.

Workout: 603PTP Day3

Buy-in: Accumulate 1:00 of the "down dog" stretch + Accumulate 1:00 of Tucker's shoulder opening wall stretch (I chose to do these in a rotation of 15 seconds each as I accumulated 1:00)

Deadlift: 5 x ; 3 x (Back to Day1 weights, I think I need to lower the weight a bit because the purpose of these is not to reach failure, and I was heading in that direction. So I'm pulling back just a bit in order to be successful)

Shoulder Press: 5 x 70#; 4 x 105# (Same as above, pulling back just a bit)

Cash-out: 5-5-5-3-3-3 Back Squats (135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#)*Photo courtesy of CrossFit Amplify. My good friend Scott's CrossFit affiliate.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Workout 12/7/2011: 603PTP Day2

Intensity! That's what this 603PTP Routine feels like so far. It's crazy when the cash-out segment blows your top. But it brings back CrossFit memories like you wouldn't believe. I'm enjoying the pain though. It's a productive pain...muscle soreness I should say. I get excited when muscles I forgot existed remind me that they are still there and working. It reminds me what I am working toward...general fitness.

Workout: 603PTP Day2

Buy-in: Dislocates, 20 Squats, 20 Push-ups, 20 Sit-ups

Deadlift: 5 @ 180#; 2+1 @ 270#
Shoulder Press: 5 @ 72.5#; 2+1 @ 107.5#

5 Rounds of...
10 Dumbbell Cleans @ 35# (5 Left, 5 Right)
10 Dumbbell Swings @ 35# (5 Left, 5 Right)
10 Burpess

*I should have been doing dumbbell snatches instead of cleans, but I forgot to educate myself before going to the gym. Oops!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Workout 12/5/2011: 603PTP Day1

Buy-in: 3 x 0:20 Handstand Holds against a wall; 15 35# Dumbbell Swings; 10 Box Jumps

Warm-up Lifts
Work Set 1: 5 x 175#
Work Set 2: 3 x 265#

Warm-up Lifts
Work Set 1: 5 x 70#
Work Set 2: 4 x 105#

Cash-out: 3 Rounds of 90 Single-Under Jump Rope Jumps + 15 Knees-to-Elbows

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Workout 12/4/2011: Moving On to Something New

12-Week CrossFit Beginner Program...Done. 603PTP Program...Beginning.

Today's goal was to test my 1 rep maximum for two core lifts for the PTP program...the shoulder press and the deadlift. So what you see below is a modified CrossFit Total in order to test those one rep maximums. Here we go.

Warm-up: 15-minute Run
Workout: CrossFit Total Modified
Shoulder Press: 9x45#, 6x65#, 3x85#, 1x105#, 1x115#, 1x120#
Deadlift: 9x135#, 6x185#, 3x205#, 1x265#, 1x275#, 1x285#
Cool-down: 5-Minute Walk & Stretch

Let's see how consistent I can be with my fourth blessing entering the world on December 3rd. Welcome into this world J. B. Mirek!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Workout 12/2/11: Push Press + Run

It's been a busy week, so I haven't had a chance to be super consistent. I know I said "no matter what, no excuses," but life does happen. And with the pending birth of our fourth child, things might get dicey again, but I will aim to get out and stay fit. Today's workout was one of my final CrossFit Beginner's workouts, so Monday proves to be a bit different. Looking forward to 603PTP.

Workout: Push Press + Run
Warm-up: 1-Mile Run
90# Push Press + 400m Run (x3)
Cool-down: 5-minute Walk on Treadmill

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Run Junkie 11/30/2011

Watch more video of Run Junkie on

*Great coverage of the NCAA Cross-Country Championships! I love the passion for track and cross-country. Love it with me!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Workout 11/29/11: 400m Runs...Sucking Wind!

50 mph winds! Fun to watch the waves on Lake Michigan. Not fun to run in. But I sucked it up and sucked wind.

Workout: 400m Runs
Warm-up: 1-Mile Run
Workout: 400m up-tempo + 400m jog (x6)
Cool-down: Run back to school

Counting down the days to 603PTP. I don't think I have looked forward to 5 weeks of strength training like this in my life. Ready to go!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Workout 11/28/11: Deadlift + Run

This is the FINAL week of my 12-week Beginner's CrossFit Workouts. I am excited to move into the next phase of strength training using the 603 PTP. One of my favorite things about the CrossFit community is the openness to share programs that work for many different types of athletes (CrossFit Endurance, CrossFit Football, PTP programs, etc). This next phase will begin with a CrossFit Total calculation. I will then set goals from there. Let's see how consistent I can be. My ultimate goal is to finish what I start in the intended time set to finish it.

Today's Workout:
Warm-up: 1-Mile Run
Workout: 145# Deadlift x 12 + Run (x3)
Cool-down: Indoor Around the School

Monday, November 21, 2011

Workout 11/21/11: Deadlift + Run

Back to the Grind! After a weekend, it's back to the routine of working out and working. Since the beginning of the school year, I've had a student-teacher. What a blessing that has been, but now her time is winding down. That means I'll be picking up the work. It's like starting the school year all over again. I actually prefer to be back to the grind. It's fun to teach and influence the knowledge students pick up. It's also fun to see their brains work. It's like working out; you get to see how your body works. So here I am, back to the grind.

Workout: Deadlift + Run
Warm-up: 1 Mile Run
Workout: 140# Deadlift x 12 + 400m Run (x3)
Cool-down: Stretch
*Photo courtesy of CrossFit Troy

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Workout 11/17/11: 5 x 400m...Stoke the Fire!

Ah, what a difference 24 hours of rest between workouts makes. Today's workout was challenging (of course), but the engine's fire was stoked and I was energized for it. If fact, that was my mantra today...stoke the fire. On the last two 400m "sprints," I had to drive myself through it with that phrase repeating in my head. So let's keep it stoked!

On a side note, I decided what my next "exercise routine" would be after this 12-week pre-CrossFit training ended. On December 4, I will begin the "603 PTP" program. This program is put together by CrossFit 603 AKA CrossFit Whole9. It builds on the work I have been doing with deadlifts & push-presses, so I figured it was logical and fun. Join me for the fun if you're willing.

Workout: 5 x 400m
Warm-up: 1 Mile Run
Workout: 5 x 400m (400m fast, 400m slow five times)
Cool-down: 5 Minute Run

*Photo above taken from here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Run Junkie 11/16/2011

Watch more video of Run Junkie on

Ahh, what a fun show. My favorite in-depth news reporting on the best sports ever...cross country and track.

9 Things...

I just read a good article titled "Nine Things Successful People Do Differently" by Heidi Grant Halvorson.

In a nutshell...
1) Get Specific
2) Seize the Moment to Act on Your Goals
3) Know Exactly How Far You Have Left to Go
4) Be a Realistic Optimist
5) Focus on Getting Better, Rather than Being Good
6) Have Grit
7) Build Your Willpower Muscle
8) Don't Tempt Fate
9) Focus on What You Will Do, Not What You Won't Do

So I would like to be "successful" at this fitness thing...oh wait...Get Specific. I would like to be successful at losing weight first. So here goes...
1) Get Specific...Scale Reading 190# by 12/31/2011 (Currently at 195#)
2) Seize the Moment...Workout 5 days a week for 30+ Minutes (4 CrossFit Intro, 1 Long Run)
3) Know Exactly How Far You Have Left...5# To Go...Daily Weigh-ins.
4) Be a Realistic Optimist...I CAN DO IT EVEN ON DAYS THINGS DON'T GO TO PLAN.
5) Focus on Getting Better...Yep!
6) Have Grit...I'm committed to it LONG-TERM
7) Build Your Willpower Muscle...I need to limit my "sugar, spice, and everything nice" to smaller things within 30 minutes of my workouts.
8) Don't Tempt Fate...Let's lose the weight first.
9) Focus on what you will do...See above.

Purpose in EVERY Step.

Workout 11/16/11: Push Press + Run

Working out with less than 24 hours between workouts is more difficult than I would have expected. Or is it that waking up at 4:20am to work out threw me off today. Either way, this morning's workout was not easy. In fact, it was the first time that I did not get through my sets unbroken during the past 10 weeks. But in the scheme of things, I am just happy that I am able to wake up every morning and have the capabilities of doing what I do. Now if I can only get myself revved up to teach my students. Slowly, but surely.

Workout: Push Press & Run
Warm-up: Treadmill Running for 10:00
Workout: 85# Push Press x 12 + 400m Run (x3)
Cool-down: Treadmill Walking

*IMPRESSIVE SIR! What will I be able to do at the fresh age of 61? This is Ted G. from CrossFit Rochester. Photo courtesy of CrossFit Rochester and CrossFit Affiliates Page.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Workout 11/15/11: 5 x 400m

What a beautiful afternoon for running outside on the southwest side of Chicago. Nearly 60 degrees, light breeze, sun in the evening sky, airplanes flying overhead around Midway Airport, and fall colors in the trees and on the ground. Next time I complain about Chicago's weather or exaggerate the amount of winter months around here, I will remember a day like today. It's mid-November, and I am still outside and comfortable. Yes, tomorrow will be far different, but for today I've soaked in a good memory.

Workout: 5x400m Runs
Warm-up: 1 Mile
5x400m Runs (400m faster, 400m slower x 5)
Cool-down: 1 Mile

FYI: I am in Week 10 of a 12-week CrossFit pre-training. I am just trying to get my weight down and build some running and lifting endurance. What comes after this pre-training will remain to be seen. I am playing around with a few ideas (CrossFit Kids workouts because they look more fun than the Main Site WODs, P90X again to see if I can get through all 90 days, or modified CrossFit WODs from Brand X Martial Arts). Any recommendations?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Workout 11/14/11: Deadlift & Run

“I do not run without a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something—not just the air.” 1 Cor. 9:26

I return to this core Bible verse that started this blog in the first place. Yes, this is a blog about my fitness goals for the most part, but there is much more to me. This verse is motivation for many things in my life. Utmost, this verse refers to my Christian life. I have a goal, to live a life that glorifies my God and my Maker. If you come to this blog, I hope you get that sense.

Workout: Deadlifts & Run
WU: Run 1 Mile
135# Deadlift x 12
Run 400m
Deadlift x 12
Run 400m
Deadlift x 12
CD: Run 1 Mile

*Photo courtesy of CrossFit Mt. Olympus...thanks for the chuckle.

Weekend Update: 11/11-11/13

Veterans' Day Weekend proved to be a good one as the weather was perfect for outdoor activities and motivation was high to do things that were more active. Saturday was the Big Day of them all fitness-wise as the kids and I ran races at Navy Pier. I ran the "Chicago Perfect 10" 10k race...6.2 miles of beautiful lakefront running. My two oldest kiddos ran the Bubba Gump "Run Forrest Run" kids races at the Quality of Life Expo at Navy Pier. My 6-year-old daughter won her race for 5-6 year-olds. Of course, there were only two runners, but a win is a win. My 4-year-old son came in second place in his race. Talk about running with intensity, watching my kids was inspirational for me.

Chicago Perfect 10: 10k Race

Not my greatest 10k, but good enough for me as I return to having purpose in every step of my fitness training. Official Time: 54:42

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Workout 11/10/11: 4 Mile Run

"Try not to become a man of success but a man of value."
- Albert Einstein

Well, put Mr. Einstein. By no means am I a man as intelligent as Einstein, but one can see that success fades, but values & morals leave far greater legacy. At the beginning of the school year, our school's staff reflected on what sort of legacy we want to pass on to our students. It was a fascinating exercise in thinking about what we want students to leave our school with. Do we want to push success and value its benefits? Of course. But many times over, I heard the sentiment that we wanted our students to leave school with values: respect, integrity, & responsibility. I hope this develops our students into individuals of value and success.

Workout: Simply, run 4 Miles.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Workout 11/9/11: Push Press & Run

What a fitting quote on CrossFit's main page today:

"We are either progressing or retrograding all the while; there is no such thing as remaining stationary in this life."
- James Freeman Clarke

Based on yesterday's blog post, I am trying to progress. And progress for me means losing weight, getting healthy, and working out. Well, one more day gets added to my streak today. 3 days working out, the scale is nicer to me, and I feel good. Sore? Yes. But a good sore for all it's worth.
Today's Workout: Push Presses & Running
Warm-up: 1 Mile Run
80# Push Press x 12
Run 400m
Push Press x 12
Run 400m
Push Press x 12
Run 400 (oops, was supposed to stop)
Push Press x 12 (yep, I'll pay for that extra set) *photo courtesy of Cascade CrossFit

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Workout 11/8/11: 4 x 400m

Progress people, progress! That's what this is all about. Every step has a purpose. Whether it's a step outside to go for a run. Or a step to open a book you've always wanted to read but never had time for. Or a step toward resolving an issue in a relationship. It's all about progress.

And what am I progressing toward? Many things. But here we are following my progress toward a weight goal and fitness goal. So progress today was stringing together days of physical activity. And a streak has started...2 days in a row of exercise.

Workout: 4x400m
Simply running as continuously as possible with a boost of speed for 400 meters.
1 Mile Warm-Up
400m Fast
400m Slow
400m Fast
400m Slow
400m Fast
400m Slow
400m Fast
1/2 Mile Cool-Down

Monday, November 7, 2011

199.5#...Closing in on 200!

I welcome myself back to having purpose in every step. For those of you who check this blog, sorry! This is my fourth time re-committing myself to recording things on this blog. We'll see how it goes this time. But a milestone is upon me...weighing nearly 200 lbs., and I do not want to reach this milestone. So I'm back to having purpose in every step by way of fitness. Other areas of my life show purpose in every step, but my health has started to get away from me. So today I recommitted. So here it is.

11/7/11 Workout: Run & Deadlift
Warm-up: 1 Mile Run
12 x 130# Deadlift
12 x Deadlift
12 x Deadlift
Cool-Down: Stretch

Purpose in Every Step...Step 1

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Garmin Giveaway and Update

FYI for you athletes/Crossfitters: There is a Garmin Forerunner Giveaway @ DC Rainmaker's site. This is a great site for athletes/triathletes and other fitness people. I suggest you all check it out.

As for me, I am still doing the P90X thing. I threw in a Crossfit workout yesterday with an old friend. It was a blast. As for's doing its thing. I'm not super impressed, but I have been dealing with eating over the holidays and birthdays too. Food will always get me in the end. Further updates will come!

Again, check out DC Rainmaker's site.